Sustainability is currently experiencing an interesting trajectory. A silver lining throughout the pandemic has been the reduction in air pollution, partially due to less commuting… the air we breathe is cleaner (for now). However, due to potential health concerns, as individuals we have had to slow down our use of more sustainable items such as reusable takeaway cups and containers.

The way we incorporate sustainability in our daily lives has had to change… resulting in the feeling that we are going backwards on some of the good habits we may have formed (but really, there’s no room for guilty feelings in these difficult times!). While much is out of our control, we can still empower ourselves to make the smartest choices possible regarding our individual consumption and lifestyles. Global problems such as plastic pollution still need to be tackled: thus, we can still hold these important conversations and take action like supporting small businesses.

Plastic remains a big problem amidst the pandemic. It continues to poison our oceans and infiltrate our landfill. In fact, repeat purchases of single – use items, and increased levels of ‘panic buying’ means we may currently be creating a significant amount of waste. We have an opportunity now, during Plastic-Free July, to explore how we are living day to day.

plastic-free july badge

Plastic-Free July is a global movement that aims to spread awareness for plastic pollution worldwide, it especially targets the problems of single – use plastic. It poses a challenge: how can you go plastic –free?

It’s a challenge for a reason… it is undoubtedly difficult to go plastic-free, but the message is certainly not about being ‘perfect’. To help, we thought we would put forward a room by room guide to easy plastic-free swaps that you can feel positive about and empowered by this month.


  • Swap plastic cling wrap for Beeswax Food wraps
  • Cooking at home more and eating leftovers means less packaging than takeaway
  • Reusable water bottle instead of purchasing plastic bottles
  • Remember those re-usable produce bags while shopping
  • Reuse packaging such as glass jars
  • Love smoothies ? Replace plastic straws with reusable straws such as stainless steel.
  • Sort and separate waste items into correct bins
  • Compostable sponges or bamboo/wood dish brushes instead of plastic- based sponges

Great brands:

Ecomax Retrokitchen Australia

plastic free kitchen


  • Reusable safety razor instead of throwing away multiple razors
  • Bamboo toothbrush
  • Plastic-free soap blocks
  • Cotton or homemade makeup remover pads

Great brands: The ANSC Kappi life


  • Stainless steel pegs instead of plastic pegs.
  • Refill detergent brands or soap blocks.

Great brands: That Red House pod_star